*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

< Articles

*Are the "Them Them's" Here?*

Greetings. It is good to be with you again. Our subject this morning is one that will require much thought before passing judgement. Why are we so afraid of "The Aliens?" Is it because we don't want to be eaten? 'Everything on this planet eats everything else! Few extraterrestrial species of Aliens could compete with us when it comes to eating other species! What do you think we would do if we 'ran into' Alien species resembling cattle or pigs? We'd probably "eat them!" The most dangerous species could be us! Before 'The Enlightenment' Men even ate each other! But if Alien presence is real, why is the government so afraid of acknowledging it to the public? Before we take on that question; let's look at 'Alien Species' said (by many) to already be here! (SERPO.org, MUFON, E. o. Wonder, Release 27A, et al.)

Alien Species


  1. Draconian Reptilians
  1. Arcturians
  1. Ebans
  1. Trantaloids
  1. Mantids
  1. Alpha Centaurians
  1. Annunaki
Known for ancient writings
  1. Blue Avians
Benevolent – (Floating Blue Orbs in bedrooms?)
  1. Zeta Repticuli
(The Greys) - Amoral
  1. Nordics
  1. Tall Whites

*Over one million people go 'missing' or possibly 'abducted?' worldwide, annually*

On October 30th, 1938 the actor 'Orson Welles' during a 'Halloween mock broadcast' attempted to 'spoof' the listening audience with a program titled "War of The Worlds." In this show he broadcast a 'fake Alien' attack on the Planet Earth! This 'fake' show caused all kinds of 'panic in the streets!' People believed the radio broadcast was a real, live, Alien invasion! So much terror and horror were 'instantly' caused by this program that any 'true' Alien presence would have to be kept quiet until it could at least be contained. And 'monetary losses' minimized.

Please remember; I'm a scientist. I'm not saying all this is "cut and dried fact." But there is so much talk today about this kind of thing being true, that I thought it would be a good subject for our discussion this morning. Why is the government so reluctant to expose Alien presence? And what would that ultimately lead to? First of all, probably a collapse of the "taxation and all religious containment systems!" The religious would have no guide or solace during a such crisis. And while Giants, Fallen Angels and Sons of the god's are mentioned, no Holy Book says anything as 'bizarre' as a final world "Alien Invasion" in their 'sacred' pages!

Therefore, religion might be viewed as either 'fake' or just a 'pacifier' intended to make the masses "content with less!" And if there is no 'pie in the sky' the 'underprivileged would not tolerate being underprivileged' for long. "All '#$%#'' would probably break loose! 'Alien Acknowledgement' would have a profound effect on life as we know it. Any real 'Alien presence' would have to be very carefully, meticulously revealed. General knowledge about Aliens (if true) is that they are 'masters of 'animal' genetic manipulation.' If Earth is indeed a "guinea pig" for experimental genetic testing, that could explain Man's 'sudden advancement' from eating bananas in trees to piloting 'space ships' to the moon in only about 6,000 years.

I wrote an article in the recent past that included "Humanoid Cloning." It was titled: "The First Anthropological Enlightenment." I outlined some of the various genetic cloning techniques necessary for successful evolutionary (type) transfer from 'Homo erectus to Homo sapiens.' In addition to human genetic manipulation (it is said) Aliens also take parts of 'other' animals for virus and 'spinal' transplant research. They have transplanted many 'combined animal' species even thousands of years in the past. Pictures of these Half-Creatures survive to this day in various parts of the world drawn by earlier 'Man's' understanding of visual "encounters."
But all this is only academic speculation. In short, to many; any 'Alien Presence' on Planet Earth represents the "End of the World!" But the evidence leads us to believe they may have been here for many thousands of years! They may in fact be some kind of 'ancient ancestor!' If we look closely at our DNA structure, we see many unknown segments that descriptively are not exactly human! With all the 'alleged" Alien history and activity on this planet, 'cloning' may begin to "make a bit of common sense." And while an Alien presence presents huge biological consequences, it also gives the world's "racist's" a new platform from which to spread division!

Lest I get a bit 'deep' into difficult terminology. I'd like to remind the reader we have four types of 'nucleotides, major and minor genomes, hydrogen bonds, and thousands of genes that carry specific information to keep molecular mutation under control. And this is but a small part of our total DNA package. In my study, much of this package is still misunderstood. But it appears 'over time' our human DNA has been 'adjusted, honed, and compromised.' With protein coding + long noncoding RNA genes, that number of 45-50,000genes, could easily "slip" non-human genetics into a 'mix' of 90% 'unrecognized' DNA.

The racists will have 'a ball' with this idea. (True or not) But overall, there is no need to panic. (As the Aliens have already had ample time (if needed) to destroy us) But if "I" could find methods for transforming 'Homo-erectus from a primitive Hominoid into 'Homo- sapiens, by using hydrogen bonds to transplant a 'skin lightening gene, (SCL24A5) the 'God Gene,' (Faith and spirituality) (SLC18A2) and the 'language and Learning Gene,' (FoxP2) into the DNA system, and code them for function. Then there is little doubt Aliens with a superior transplant knowledge could have turned even 'Ardipithecus, (Ardi) Australopithecus, (Lucy) or Homo- erectus (in time) into a (genetically viable) species of 'Modern Man!' rather easily.
So where does this leave s today? Remember, I'm not telling you *they're here!* Only that it's possible! I still believe in "The Unworldly Scientific Genius… or, The Ultimate Creator… God!" You might use any one of 1,000 names. Or perhaps no name at all. But 'someone or something' created us all. Negroid, Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and all 5,000 ethnicities, and in-betweens. Unless, of course you're prepared to say: "All creation created itself." And we are the only one's here! (Or anywhere else?) The presence of specific Aliens or any extraterrestrial beings only makes the existence of "God" more powerful, inclusive, and all 'encompassing!'

Briefly, look realistically at our planet: "South Africa" The Malapa Caves near Johannesburg, August 2008; they found fossilized skeletal remains of 2 million years old humans? Also 4,000 years old radioactive skeletons in Mohenjo-Daro Pakistan. And Parts of the desert sands in West Egypt are 'vitrified' as in a nuclear explosion! (et al.) After much research, it appears Man is far older than we thought. This Earth is a huge repository of the dust of "former civilizations." The Aliens come here and 'confiscate' millions of people every year for many types of genetic 'thievery'. They may have already 'populated' other planetary systems with 'hybrid species' and parts of various Earth animals. These 'Hybrids' may have been created by 'trial and error!'

*A biological brain larger and more intelligent than ours could not sustain itself by eating a plant-based diet. It would have to consume more 'meat.' But the question is "what 'kind' of meat?"

We all surmise, "inanimate objects can create nothing animate." It takes 'biological life' to beget all 'biological life'' And most physical looks, traits, and talents are inherited from parents or 'ancestors.' But we don't always look exactly like them! (And if you don't agree, I'd like to further 'categorize' your PhD) If any 'questionable' species DNA (interplanetary or otherwise) is 'somehow' 'reproductively' compatible with ours, historically means they are in some way (even remotely) 'related to us!' Some racists are now trying to say; "the 'Aliens' only donated their genetics to Caucasians!" And that's only more unproven racist propaganda.
But let's say, this racist idea is true: Due to historical human promiscuity, most African Americans (by having Caucasian DNA) could also have a share of Alien DNA. This DNA was 'happily' donated from a 'plethora' of willing Caucasian. Also, if 'the Aliens' started this transformation from Hominid to Homo sapiens they would have included 'Homo erectus' 1.9 million years ago. And these sample 'guinea pig' Hominids would have also been "African." At that time, there were as yet no Caucasians in existence! And resultant Caucasians still carry some African DNA. Man's mixing is amalgamated. So, no controversy! Are we all part 'Alien?' Suffice it to say; "We are all far more than our understanding currently teaches!"


*Point of interest* 'Leonardo da Vinci' (1452 - 1519) painting of 'Salvatore Mundi' (Savior of the World) which recently sold to a Saudi prince for $400 million is depicted by da Vinci with a 'Blue Orb' in his left hand. (See) https://tinyurl.com/ybshlywj 'No one' is 100% sure what this Orb represents! (The 'Blue Avians' are purported to assist Humans on their spiritual path to God) Leonardo disappeared from sight 2 years 'BEFORE' his painting of this picture. Where he went, and 'who or what' he encountered during this time is anyone's guess to this day!... "But what does this 'Blue Orb' really mean?"


*A surprising message from a "prominent" extraterrestrial!* (Sent through email)

A WARNING to all Earthlings from 'ETvard' the Extraterrestrial: "This is not the end of your world! But, for your own good: Stop attempting to rid yourselves of whatever color you may still have. (A Folic acid catalyst) Without it the 'Y' chromosome (in the male) weakens, causing eventual sterility) Color is a vital part of your 'Equitable Consciousness.' And three other priceless abilities you still have: Namely, 'Love , Fertility, and 'Morality.' It is entirely possible to 'breed one's species 'completely' out of these attributes. (We did) (As in breeding exclusively for blue ryes can lead to blindness! Always keep 'some diversity' in one's genetics) My people bred all the "heterosexual activity and joy" out of our species. (We no longer even have genitals) We must now reproduce through our special 'Psychic- RoboAntic Mechanisms!'
We achieved 'Achromatic Whiteness.' But at the cost of our humanity, over one million years ago.
'Be careful' what you wish for, you just might receive it! We began to "integrate" ourselves into your DNA species about 300,000 years ago. And remember to say "hello" to Uncle and Aunt 'Pszyclopz!' (But don't smile! They confuse the showing of 'teeth' with salvific aggression!) Take care. Stay well. ETvard

*Are the "Them Them's" Here?*

"It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all"- Alfred Lord Tennyson

*And don't go for walks in the Metroparks, alone after dark!*

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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